Sign up for CashCrate now!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Hey everyone, welcome. The purpose of this blog is to tell you about CashCrate and how to make some extra money online. I have a lot of great information and tips to the left under blog archive, 2008, and april. Hope it's not too confusing. These posts should help you learn more about CashCrate and how it works. Enjoy!

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How to Complete an Offer

The most productive way to make money on CashCrate is to complete offers. Most of the 100% Free offers are around $0.50-$0.75. Don't be discouraged though, as these do really add up. Every little bit counts. There are other offers, which include offers that require you to pay for trials, shipping, or a product. However, these offers pay more than the 100% Free offers. One of the highest paying offers on the CashCrate site right now pays $45.00! However, if you choose, you can always stick with the free offers, and still make quite a bit of money.

Right now I will go through how to complete an offer with you. All offers won't be exactly the same as this one, but all offers share the same basic principle in getting completed.

1. To complete an offer, click on the Complete Offers button.

2. For right now, lets focus on the free offers. Click on the 'Show' box and click on 100% Free. Then press Go. What this does is show only the offers that are 100% Free. You can also sort offers by Rating, Payout, Name, Newest and Cost.

3. Next click on the name of an offer to start.

4. After clicking on the title of the offer, you will be taken to a page where you will enter either your zip code or your email address. Once entered click continue.

5. On the next page, you will enter your information including your name, address, birthday, gender, and possibly your phone number (Note: if you are worried about giving your personal information away, see the F.A.Q.). Then click submit.

6. Throughout the next few pages, you will view two different types of pages.

One type of page you will see has "yes" and "no" buttons next to offers that they advertise.

Click no on all of these, and press submit.

At one point you may run into a message that, after pressing submit, tells you to pick at least one of the offers. By selecting yes it will just bring up an advertisement on the next page for that offer.

If so, press OK and answer yes to any one of the offers. Then press submit again.

The other type of page you will encounter is just regular advertisements. Just scroll to the bottom of these pages and press skip.

Keep going through these pages until you get to a page that requires you to do "Silver Offers".

Don't worry, you won't really have to do these offers. You just have to click on them, and leave the windows open for a few seconds. To help make sure that the offers will approve, do one more offer than the required number. So if it says do 2 offers, click on 3 of them, and if it says 6, click 7 of them. Then when you're done, click "Go to Next Page."

After the "Silver Offers" page, you will see the "Gold Offers" page. This is the same thing as the "Silver Offers" page, so just do the same thing you did before. Remember, click on one more offer than required, to help the offer approve quicker.

Again press "Go to Next Page" when you are finished.

After the "Gold Offers" page, you will see the "Platinum Offers" page. Once again, do the same thing you did on the previous pages.

This time, you should press the "After you've completed..." button after you're finished.

This time, a new window will open.

Some might say that this step isn't required, but I do it just in case it helps my offers approve better. Click on all of the links from one through ten, and they will each open in a new window. Leave them open for a few seconds, and then you can close them. Then, press the link on the bottom of the page that says "After you are finished...".

A new window should open (which is an advertisement), which you should leave open for a few seconds.

Thats it your all done! The offer is now complete, so you can move onto Step 7.

7. When you are all finished with your offer, close all of the extra windows you have open from the offer, and return to the CashCrate page. Press the "Submit" button next to the offer that you have completed.

Congratulations, you have just finished an offer. The offer will now be in your pending offers list, which simply means it is pending for approval. You can check your pending offers by going to your "Complete Offers" page, and clicking on "Pending Offers".

When your offers have been approved, they will go to the "Completed Offers" list

Most offers do not take near as long as this one. I picked this offer because it is one of the longest types and don't want anybody to get lost. It can get a little overwhelming when you first start :) Most other offers are pretty straight forward and easy to complete. You always know you are done with an offer or survey once you get to a page that says "thank you..." "you have been registered..." "your confirmation has been receieved..." I will get some pictures up later on so you know when you are done.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at


Q: I'm worried about giving out my information. Can I give out fake information?

A: Don't worry, its perfectly safe to give out your information. No, DO NOT give fake information in the offers, as this is considered fraud. You should always use your real information.

Q: Will I get spam mail at my house?

A: Most probably not. I haven't received any spam mail myself, but most people say that IF they do receive spam, its only a few times a year.

Q: What about phone calls. Will they call me?

A: For the offers that make you give your phone number, you don't have to give out your home phone number. Instead, you can make a FREE voicemail number online. I use and it works great. If you receive any calls, you can just ignore them.

Q: How long does it take for the offers to approve?

A: It depends on the offer. Each offer is different. Some offers may approve in a few minutes, while some might take a couple of days.

Q: Some of my offers haven't approved. How long should I wait before redoing the offers?

A: You should wait at least two weeks before redoing an offer, because the offer could be one that takes a while to approve. If it doesn't approve after two weeks, it's most probably not going to approve, so you should redo it.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at

How CashCrate Works

You must be wondering: how is it possible for this site to give out so much money? The answers lies in advertising. Each offer on the CashCrate site is provided by an advertising company. These companies pay the CashCrate company each time someone completes an offer. CashCrate takes part of the money they make, and gives it to the user that completed the offer. This way, the user gets money for completing the offer, while CashCrate still has enough money to make a profit. Through this cycle, the CashCrate site is able to exist while making a profit, and paying its users.

Once you sign up and complete an offer at first the offer will go into the pending stage. Once the company verifys and tells CashCrate that you have completed the offer, you will be credited with however much the offer was worth.

Tips for CashCrate

Here are some tips to help you complete offers at CashCrate.
CashCrate Tips

- Visit the CashCrate Forum for a wealth of information and new monthly competitions
- Create a new email address at a webmailer and use it exclusively for offers. This way your main email remains unknown.
- Get a new free phone number from a company like Private Phone and use this one exclusively on CashCrate.
- Get a Visa Gift or Prepaid Card and use it in those cases where you have to enter credit card information.
- The best offers are the free ones that you do for free (most of the time surveys), you can sort all offers to see those at the beginning
- Make sure you cancel the trial offers during the trial period or you will get charged afterwards.
- Cookies: Cookies, being the number one cause of offers not confirming, simply must be cleared in between each offer. Why? Because companies track you through cookies, and for more than one offer from the same company, you need to clear them so you can be tracked again correctly, and so your offer will confirm.
- Email Recycling: Again, companies with more than one offer on the list track you with your email address as well, and if they already have that email in their database, then your offer will not confirm. Simply create 10 or more email addresses from any email provider, (The ones listed above are recommended) and change them up among offers. The more email addresses you have, the less of a chance you’ll submit the same email to the same company twice.

Filling out Offers at CashCrate

- Offers with the following descriptions have easier requirements than you think!
“Participate in the Survey”, Without Questionare (Usually 60 cent or less payout): These offers only require you to provide your information, (usually on the first or second page of the “Survey”) once it seems like the offer has taken you into an infinite loop of “Yes”, “No”, or “Skip” offer pages, then you can exit that window, and submit the offer, and it should confirm. Even though you only have to submit your information, I always do the first 5 pages of these types of offers to be on the safe side.
- “Participate in the Survey”, With Questionnare (Usually 65 cent or higher payout): These offers will ask you to fill out your information, and then require you to do a 3 to 5 minute Questionnare. You actually do have to complete this, but you only have to go until it says “Done!” or “Congratulations, you’ve been entered!”, even though there may still be questions below the “Done!” or Congratulations!..”.
- “Complete at least the first two pages”: Obviously, you only have to fill out the first two pages. Most offers will tell you things like “your almost done!” or “last page”, you do NOT have to keep going after you complete the first two pages.
- “Fill Out the Form”: These offers are usually from $0.75 to $2.00, and you actually have to fill out the pages, and like the Questionare offers, you only have to go until it says “Done!” or “Congratulations, you’ve been entered!” even though there may still be questions below.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: On all of the free offers above, in the forms, questionares, and providing information, you only have to respond to the sections that have an ASTERISK ” * ” next to them, all other questions/sections are optional and do not need to be filled out.

I hope these tips help you out like they did me.

Sign up for CashCrate here.

Intro to CashCrate

CashCrate offers a free and easy way to earn money regularly by simply filling out some surveys every day. I’m really cautious when I hear of websites that offers something in the line of “Take Surveys - Earn Money” because most of them seem to really rip of the users with ultra-high payout restrictions or just a few surveys which means that it takes ages to make some decent money.

CashCrate seems to be different, at least for users from the United States, Canada and the UK. Everyone may join but the availability of surveys and offers depends on your location. If you live in Germany or India for instance you see two surveys and two offers to join a service to receive some money from it.

If you join as a American you get to literally chose from hundreds of surveys and two guaranteed daily surveys that bring in $1.60 per day if you complete both each day.

This means that you can earn $584 per year from just taking the daily surveys which is about $49 extra cash per month in your pockets. Minimum payout is $10 which means that you do get paid monthly if you take just the daily surveys.

You do have two options to earn more money. The first is to take surveys that are offered by other companies which bring in between $0.40 to $1.50 in average with dozens of surveys available currently. I would estimate that you could at least make $50 by taking those surveys as well in the month.

There is a second way to earn money and that is by signing up to various services. Some require just a signup and some personal data such as your email or mobile phone number to reward you with money while others offer free trial versions or purchases.

Those bring in some serious cash. Want some examples ?

- If you signup at eBay for free and make a bid you receive $8
- A free trial at Vonage brings in $45
- A free trial membership at Netflix brings in $13.50

I can’t calculate all the possible earnings but I would think that you could earn at least $100 from CashCrate every month and even more if you take your time and evaluate all options.

Last but not least some offers award points instead of cash. This means that you do get a certain amount of points after completing a survey or other offer and can use those points to buy items in the prize shop. 300 points can be traded into a $15 iTunes gift card for instance and 6000 points into a Xbox 360.

Some surveys and free trials bring in around 300 points which is another great opportunity to gain something for free.

CashCrate is free to join, there are no hidden fees, a minimum payout of $10 and a monthly payout. What are you waiting for?

When do you get paid?
Cashcrate's minimum payout is only $10. That means if you get at least $10 in a month you get a check from CashCrate to you for the amount you earned. Users who meet it will have their payments processed by the 20th of the following month. So if you earn $250 in January, you'll get paid in mid February.

Participation Requirements
You have to be at least 13 years old. So this would be a great way for a teenager to make some money. If you're a stay at home mom or if you work and would like to make some extra money, CashCrate would be ideal for you. Also, members from the United States and other speaking countries will have the most offers available to them, but members from other countries can join as well.

Hope you all join!